I’m proud to be featured in a brand new book published out of Italy – YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: 38 EARTH HEROES TO BE INSPIRED BY AND 12 CHALLENGES TO STOP CLIMATE CHANGE. #recyclelikeryan #bethechange
I’m proud to be featured in a brand new book published out of Italy – YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: 38 EARTH HEROES TO BE INSPIRED BY AND 12 CHALLENGES TO STOP CLIMATE CHANGE. #recyclelikeryan #bethechange
Quick radio interview on Seattle’s SPIRIT 105.3 between my school classes yesterday. Hear my 2 minute interview here!
Thank you Erica Parkerson #recyclelikeryan
So excited to be on the Today Show with Hoda and Jenna! I got to give a recycling update and I reminded everyone about Coastal Clean Up Day. Check it out here! #recyclelikeryan #maketheseatrashfree