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Fish Smoothies and Recycling at the Pacific Marine Mammal Center!

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Can you tell the difference between a seal and a sea lion? Do you know the ingredients to a “Fish Smoothie”? You will after you watch my latest video! https://youtu.be/QFt7JwI8qiA
I recently stopped by the Pacific Marine Mammal Center with a big donation to their ongoing FISH DRIVE thanks to my friends at Athens Services, NBC’s Little Big Shots, my friend Cathy and everyone who bought my t-shirts over the past few months from my web site. Thank you Michele and the entire team at the PMMC for doing what you do! If you’d like to help me support the PMMC, every dollar helps. $1 buys a pound of fish to feed the animals in their care. https://www.pacificmmc.org/donation/r…

Ryan featured on Amazing Kids Podcast

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I had a great time chatting with Lila on her Amazing Kids Podcast last week. If you’d like to hear her interview me, click here. Lila is a kid like me and she’s doing an amazing job interviewing other kids making a difference in their communities. Please consider supporting her and check out her podcasts by tuning in to her on Spotify, Apple Podcast, iHeart Radio and more!

Ryan featured in Diversity in Action magazine

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“From the sciences to entrepreneurship and the arts, kids are already making a big difference in their communities and beyond. Diversity in Action presents our 20 Under 20 list of innovative young people who have already achieved greatness.”

I’m so excited to be featured in Diversity in Action magazine as part of their featured 20 Under 20 Young Innovators Changing the World. Congratulations to all the amazing kids featured. Check out the article here.


First beach clean up since COVID started.

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My first beach clean up in months and there were a lot of people at Doheny State Beach. We picked up two five gallon buckets of trash. Notable items found: a pair of sunglasses with a lens missing, various beach toys, barbie arm, surfboard fin, plastic pirate toy knife, a little tiger…

We did an Instagram Live video after the clean up and my friend Sammie (Sammie’s Buddy Bench Project) joined us from Florida. She did a beach clean up there too! Watch my recap video here. #recyclelikeryan #recycle #sammiesbuddybenchproject #cleanocean