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Ryan Featured in Waste Advantage Magazine

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Check out Ryan’s latest interview with Waste Advantage magazine here:

In January 2019, Waste Advantage Magazine profiled 9-year-old Ryan Hickman, a young recycling entrepreneur who not only had already started his own recycling business, Ryan’s Recycling, but also made it his mission to educate people about the benefits of recycling and the most efficient way to do it. Now 14, Ryan truly represents the next generation of waste and recycling by continuing to give keynotes around the world while developing new companies and continuing to build partnerships.

Speaking at the Legacy Youth Leadership Summit

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I had a fun time speaking at the Legacy Youth Leadership Summit and I met some amazing students and presenters. It was a nice event for me to speak at because it was close to home and I didn’t have to travel anywhere. I had just got home from a Canada trip the day before so it was nice to be home.

Legacy Youth Leadership is a nonprofit organization that works to build a socially conscious & active generation of young people. LYL provides free educational & activism programs as well as leadership coaching & mentoring to young people to supplement students’ existing school & youth development. LYL equips students with the tools they need to reach their academic & philanthropic goals and to make a REAL impact in the world around them by social & charitable initiatives.

To date, Legacy Youth Leadership has engaged over 2,600,000 young leaders across the world! For more info, visit https://legacyyouthleadership.org/

Fossil digging in Wyoming!

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Although I did recycle on his road trip, this trip was more about digging up fossils than saving the planet. My dad and I found a place in Wyoming called American Fossil where you get to dig for fossils and you keep what you find. After meeting up with my friend Gary and a long trip through Utah and into Wyoming, we found our motel and were excited to get digging the next morning. The dig site is 8 miles out of Kemmerer, Wyoming down a dusty dirt road with a whole bunch of cows. The road ends at a limestone quarry where the dig site is. The area used to be a giant lake 52 million years ago and they have found all sorts of fossils there.

We found fish and fish poop fossils mostly. They even had table saw on site to cut down the rock to the size you wanted it at. Our best find was a rock with 4 fish in it. We found a total of 62 fossils so we were pretty excited about that. In a few weeks, we’ll coat the fossils so they are protected and a few of the fossils need some detail scraping away of the rock from the fossils so we’re learning how to do that.

The staff at the dig site were so friendly and I would recommend a road trip to see them if you are looking to dig for fossils. I guarantee you’ll find fossils there. It’s pretty exciting to ship away at the rocks and to find the fossil fish inside. I’m going to be making a video soon of this trip so keep an eye on my YouTube channel.


Mini Sub Adventure With OceanX Off the Coast of Monaco!

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This post is about a trip I took with OceanX last Fall. I couldn’t post about it until OceanX officially posted it up but it was so amazing. My last time on the Ellen Degeneres show, the show gave me a trip with OceanX. We flew from LAX to Mallorca, Spain and then after a few days, off to Nice, France and Monaco. Once we were in Monaco, we took a small boat out to OceanX’s big OceanXplorer ship and I got a tour of the ship and met the entire crew. We jumped in a mini-sub and went underwater for 2 hours checking out a sunken ship and I actually recycled a glass bottle I found at the bottom of the ocean. The mini-sub has a controller arm on the front that I was able to use to pick up the bottle. There was only three people in each sub so my dad and I went in one with our sub captain and my mom went in the other sub with the film crew.

I saw so many fish and jellyfish and learned all about OceanX’s mission. After the mini-sub adventure, we stayed in Monaco for another night and then back to Mallorca for a few days and then back home. I met so many amazing people on this trip, Ocean X gave me a new GoPro to use on my adventures and OceanX’s founder, Ray Dalio wrote me a nice note in his book that he signed for me. Thanks Ray!

If you’re not already following OceanX on YouTube, do yourself a favor and check out their Youtube Channel!

Here’s a fun video of my trip

Thank you OceanX!

April 6th Freeway Face Off Beach Clean Up

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This was the second year we did this beach clean up at Rosie’s Dog Beach in Long Beach. It was a lot of fun! The LA Kings and the Anaheim Ducks teamed up and we all cleaned up the beach together. Last year, we picked up 500 lbs of trash and this year we beat that amount with 565 lbs. Thank you Project Love Drop for the awesome burritos and thank you to EVERYONE who came and volunteered at the event. See you all again next year!



April 5th Green Night with the Anaheim Ducks!

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I had a great time partnering with the Anaheim Ducks again this year for the annual GREEN NIGHT. We had my Ryan’s Recycling and Project3R canopies up at each entrance to the Honda Center and we gave raffle tickets to everyone who recycled a can or a bottle with me before the game. One of the lucky winners won an autographed team jersey! Thank you to my helpers from Project3R and everyone with the Ducks organization for making this happen. I got to go down on the ice prior to the game and meet Mason McTavish and I met Adam Henrique and Lukas Dontal while filming promos the previous week. How cool is that?! #GoDucks

Thank you to the Anaheim Ducks Foundation for supporting Project3R.