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Ryan featured on KFI AM 640 Bill Handel show this morning!

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Success from Bottles and Cans…Ryan’s Recycling

With Earth Day around the corner, we wanted to celebrate by talking about a little boy with a giant love of the environment.
Ryan Hickman is only 7-years-old and is already a successful businessman with his company Ryan’s Recycling.
Beyond making the Earth a greener place for people, Ryan makes sure to never forget about animals.
He has a specially designed shirt that all of the proceeds made are donated to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach!

Listen to Bill tell you about Ryan (and some cool Earth Day tips) below!

Ryan gives a PSA about cutting 6 pack rings – Thanks Patch.com for running the story.

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LAGUNA BEACH, CA — With Earth Day coming up on April 22, Ryan’s Recycling sent a reminder of a simple home-task you can do before you toss your trash into recycling.

“These things might be floating in the ocean, and a sea creature could come up inside and get stuck in them and die,” Ryan said. “Because you cut it up, they won’t die.” That reminder is just one way that this junior philanthropist and businessman is making the world a better place…. see more at: https://patch.com/california/lagunabeach/earth-day-tips-ryans-recycling-save-sea-lions-cutting-six-pack-rings