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Ryan featured in Argentina’s Genios Magazine

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Genios is the largest kid’s magazine in Argentina so Ryan is super excited to be part of it this month!

Here’s Ryan’s interview questions in the magazine:

How did you become interested in recycling and how did your project begin and grow so much to become a company?

My dad took me to the recycling center when I was about 3 1/2 years old. I really liked going because it was fun and I learned it was helping our planet. I started off by asking our neighbors to recycle with me and it grew and grew to hundreds of families that now call us to come pick up from them. My story went viral when I was 7 years old and since that time I’ve been featured on many tv shows and in books and magazines like Genios.

Why do you think recycling is so important? Do you aim to inspire kids (and adults!) all over the world to become conscious about it?

I think recycling is so important because it’s something that we can all do easily and I’m so happy that I have had a chance to inspire people all over the world to recycle what they can each day. Every can and bottle makes a difference. I hear from hundreds of people every day through email and social media messages from around the world that are recycling and taking care of our planet. That inspires me to do more too.

What is the best thing you have learned through all these years and who have helped you?

Probably the best thing I’ve learned over the past few years is what is recyclable or not and how we can all do better with reducing, reusing, and recycling. I’ve also learned that recycling isn’t available everywhere on the planet and I plan to change that with my new non profit organization Project3R.

I would like to tell kids in Argentina to follow their passions and kids can make a difference just like adults no matter where they live. If an eleven year old kid like me can make a difference, you can too.

New shirt alert!

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NEW SHIRT ALERT! Hot off the press! We just got these in stock and we have limited quantities. This new shirt and every shirt sold on my web site helps my friends at Pacific Marine Mammal Center because proceeds from the sales are donated to help with their rescue efforts. Buy a shirt, save a seal (or sea lion). We didn’t do any kids sizes in this one (except for me) so it’s adult sizes only for now. Get yours here.

Ryan featured in new H&M global campaign ROLE MODELS

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This H&M ROLE MODELS project was filmed last Fall and we went to Long Island, NY. It was pretty cold and it had been raining for the week so we got stuck in our hotel room for a few days waiting for the sun to come out. It’s the biggest production I have ever seen on a project so far. This is the teaser video for the campaign launch which is in 74 countries and I’ll be featured in over 5000 H&M stores around the world. Thank you H&M for having me part of the project. I met some new friends during the trip and visited some old friends while in the city too.  #recyclelikeryan


Nickelodeon’s Kids and the Impact on Climate Change appearance

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I had a fun time filming for Nickelodeon’s “Kids and the Impact on Climate Change” special. I met some amazing kids and learned some new things too. If you didn’t catch it on tv tonight, hopefully the highlights will be online. We filmed against a green screen surrounding us so it was really cool to see how they dropped in a background on the show. Earth Day is almost here but you don’t have to wait until 4/22 to make a difference. Pick up a piece of trash or recycle what you can. Every bit helps!

Old Navy’s Head of Funcycling

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I’m so excited to be working with Old Navy! In honor of the 51st Annual Earth Day, Old Navy will donate to up to 51 kid-led green fundraisers through the end of 2021 and in my new role at Old Navy, I will be helping select kid-led GoFundMe sustainability projects to sponsor! Join us in supporting the next generation to #imagineabetterfuture.

Check out our program details here and my video here. I got to film with one of my favorite dogs too. Lana was awesome!