Hey everyone! I have great news! Thank you so much for being part of my first Ryan’s Recycling Challenge!
This challenge is officially over and we’ll be announcing a new one soon. Together we raised $1860 for the Pacific Marine Mammal Center and we recycled 310,525 cans and bottles! That’s a lot of plastic, glass and aluminum out of the landfill and environment where it’s bad for us and animals. The Pacific Marine Mammal Center will use the funds we raised to help buy fish, medicine and supplies for the animals they rescue. I’m excited we are able to help them out. You can find out more about them here: https://www.pacificmmc.org/
Just some fun facts about the 310,525 items we all recycled… If we lined up all the cans and bottles end to end, it would stretch over 58 miles long and if stacked on top of each other, it’s roughly ten times as tall as Mt. Everest! Wow!
Be sure to follow me on my web site and on social media to learn when the next recycling challenge will be. I want to thank all of you for making a big difference and helping save the planet.