Although I did recycle on his road trip, this trip was more about digging up fossils than saving the planet. My dad and I found a place in Wyoming called American Fossil where you get to dig for fossils and you keep what you find. After meeting up with my friend Gary and a long trip through Utah and into Wyoming, we found our motel and were excited to get digging the next morning. The dig site is 8 miles out of Kemmerer, Wyoming down a dusty dirt road with a whole bunch of cows. The road ends at a limestone quarry where the dig site is. The area used to be a giant lake 52 million years ago and they have found all sorts of fossils there.
We found fish and fish poop fossils mostly. They even had table saw on site to cut down the rock to the size you wanted it at. Our best find was a rock with 4 fish in it. We found a total of 62 fossils so we were pretty excited about that. In a few weeks, we’ll coat the fossils so they are protected and a few of the fossils need some detail scraping away of the rock from the fossils so we’re learning how to do that.
The staff at the dig site were so friendly and I would recommend a road trip to see them if you are looking to dig for fossils. I guarantee you’ll find fossils there. It’s pretty exciting to ship away at the rocks and to find the fossil fish inside. I’m going to be making a video soon of this trip so keep an eye on my YouTube channel.