This post is about a trip I took with OceanX last Fall. I couldn’t post about it until OceanX officially posted it up but it was so amazing. My last time on the Ellen Degeneres show, the show gave me a trip with OceanX. We flew from LAX to Mallorca, Spain and then after a few days, off to Nice, France and Monaco. Once we were in Monaco, we took a small boat out to OceanX’s big OceanXplorer ship and I got a tour of the ship and met the entire crew. We jumped in a mini-sub and went underwater for 2 hours checking out a sunken ship and I actually recycled a glass bottle I found at the bottom of the ocean. The mini-sub has a controller arm on the front that I was able to use to pick up the bottle. There was only three people in each sub so my dad and I went in one with our sub captain and my mom went in the other sub with the film crew.
I saw so many fish and jellyfish and learned all about OceanX’s mission. After the mini-sub adventure, we stayed in Monaco for another night and then back to Mallorca for a few days and then back home. I met so many amazing people on this trip, Ocean X gave me a new GoPro to use on my adventures and OceanX’s founder, Ray Dalio wrote me a nice note in his book that he signed for me. Thanks Ray!
If you’re not already following OceanX on YouTube, do yourself a favor and check out their Youtube Channel!
Thank you OceanX!